Racial Trauma and Communities of Color
All sessions can be found in full on learn.nctsn.org under “Clinical Training” – “Identifying Critical Moments and Healing Complex Trauma”. These are worth CEU (Continuing Education Units) credit when completed in their entirety.
After watching the video, please take the time to give us feedback on the session. Your feedback will help us shape the new webinars and sessions! If you have any questions or would like a copy of your responses, please email Caitlin Sullivan at caisullivan@uchc.edu.
A Father Seeking Justice in Dealing with The Child Protection System
Post Session Interview
In this webinar, viewers will meet Mr. Smith, a 27-year-old single father who works full-time as a health worker. He and his fiancé would like full custody of his 7-year-old son, Samuel. His son is under the care of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) after Samuel’s pre-school teacher reported that he was sleeping in class and arriving to school, on numerous occasions, unkempt and hungry. The school made multiple, yet unsuccessful attempts to meet and speak with Samuel’s mother, Ms. Johnson. Mr. Smith does not understand why DCF did not contact him first instead of placing Samuel in a foster home. He is now required to meet with a social worker, Mr. Muhammad, to “learn parenting skills.”
The Intersection Between Multi-Generational Developmental Trauma and Contextual Trauma
Post Session Q&A
Introduces Miguel, a 17-year-old with a history of truancy, fighting, and multiple arrests since the age of 14— around the time his mother passed away from cancer. He lives with his grandmother and siblings and occasionally sees his father, who lives out of state. Recently, during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, Miguel was arrested for public intoxication and resisting arrest. His previous therapist of several years has transitioned out, and he is struggling to make a real connection with his new therapist.
Navigating Racial and Gender Identity Violence as a Young Black Man with Developmental Trauma
Post Q&A
In this webinar, viewers meet James, a 16-year-old African American youth who has been living with his maternal uncle, Patrick, since he and his two younger sisters were removed from their biological parents three years ago when James reported to a teacher that his father physically abused him. The teacher filed a report with Child Protective Services (CPS), quickly leading to the removal of James and his two younger sisters (ages seven and nine at that time) from the family home. CPS has been the legal guardian of all three children ever since. CPS gave Patrick physical custody of James, but James’ sisters were placed with a foster family. Patrick believes James needs help and sends him to see Dr. Julian Ford. During his first telehealth session with Dr. Ford, James is skeptical about whether his older White therapist can understand what it’s like as a young African American man. Together, Dr. Ford and James discuss these differences. Their discussions allow James to open up and share some of his deep frustrations and fears, including how his experiences affect his sense of safety and trust and how Patrick can accept and support him as he navigates these complex issues.
How Race, Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity Impact Treatment of Trauma
In this webinar, you will hear from five expert trauma therapists about their experiences and reflective processes while working with children and families who have experienced developmental trauma and come from complex backgrounds in terms of race, ethnicity, culture, and identity. In addition, Dr. Rocio Chang (who also participated in the roundtable discussion) will moderate live commentary with Dr. Maureen Allwood, Dr. Ernestine Briggs-King, and Dr. Russell Jones. They will talk about the importance of open conversations related to the roundtable topics as well as the impacts of recent events that have brought racism to the forefront.
Mental Health, Racial Trauma, and Health Inequities Confronting Boys and Men of Color
n this webinar, viewers will hear from Dr. Wizdom Powell, an artist, Director of the Health Disparities Institute and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, and a Senior Consultant for the Center for the Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders, at UConn Health, who has worked to advance health equity for boys and men of color. During this segment, Dr. Powell will describe the impact of chronic exposure to racial and developmental trauma on young Black men and share how intergenerational trauma has affected families and communities of color. She will highlight creative pathways that can be considered to promote healing for boys and men of color who have experienced racial and developmental trauma.
The Impact of Developmental Trauma in Communities of Color During the Pandemic
In this webinar, you will hear from Andrew Woods, a clinician with over two decades of experience working with boys and men of color. Andrew is the executive director of Hartford Communities That Care (HCTC), a nonprofit 501(c) (3) community-based organization founded in 1998, whose mission is to create a thriving, non-violent and drug free environment for youth and families. As a leader and advocate for victims of violence and trauma in underserved communities, Andrew has developed and implemented culturally appropriate, high quality, and evidence-based crisis response, mental health and supportive programs, partnerships, and policies to improve the lives of youth and adult victims of crime and their families in the Greater Hartford Area of CT.