MH Professional COVID Surveys

MH Professional COVID Surveys

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and human services providers: An international Global Collaboration on Psychotrauma Survey

As we enter the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact on healthcare workers and organizations is well recognized – but the toll on mental health and human services providers in practice and in training has never been systematically evaluated. An international team of health services researchers led by Julian Ford, PhD, at the University of Connecticut has developed a survey as a project of the Global Collaboration on Psychotrauma, to learn how mental health/human services providers and trainees have been impacted by the pandemic personally and professionally.

The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete and is anonymous to ensure privacy, with well validated and meaningful measures of pandemic stressors, their impact (including general and secondary traumatic stress [STS] and burnout), and resilience factors (including a unique set of ways of coping with STS), for mental and behavioral health, social work, counseling, legal/forensic, and marriage and family therapy professionals and paraprofessionals (including pre-professional trainees).

Your input based upon the challenges you have faced in the pandemic will provide valuable guidance for policy, practice, and programs affecting these often-overlooked services providers worldwide via this survey.

Please circulate this invitation and link to other colleagues who might be interested in participating.